While you, like many people, may go to incredible measures to make certain body parts larger, you may be wondering how to make your nose look smaller. Without plastic surgery, making your nose look smaller is a matter of optical illusion. Here are some tips on how to pull it off:
- Clearing It Up The first step in making your nose look smaller is to simply make it less noticeable. If your nose harbors acne, scars or blemishes, work on removing them. For acne, practice proper hygiene and identify what is causing the acne (is your skin dry or oily or is there a certain food that causes outbreaks?). Avoid picking at or popping any nose pimples. For scars and blemishes, find a fading treatment or talk to your doctor about what would work best for you.
- Parting Your Hair Because your nose is centrally located on your face, parting your hair on the side will draw attention away from it. In general, making your hair more noticeable is a great way to make your nose look smaller. Really short cuts and slicking your hair back both will make your nose look bigger. Opt for bigger hair for a smaller nose.
- Glasses Sunglasses and eyeglasses can both help make your nose look smaller but make sure you pick the right ones. Round frames and shaded lenses both tend to make the nose look bigger.
- Own It! People always say that confidence is the biggest part of being attractive, and they happen to be right. If you own your big nose, other people are more likely to see it as a unique part of your looks instead of a problem feature. If you're confident in your looks, you wont need to make your nose look smaller!
The post How To Make Your Nose Look Smaller appeared first on Made Man.